Passive self-ligating systems
Damon® system
Passive self-ligating systems differ from active systems in the way that a rigid clip such as a sliding door holds the archwire in place. The clip does not apply any force on the orthodontic archwire and the alignment in the 3 planes of space can only be achieved by using a bigger archwire to fill the slot, which decreases the play between the interface of the archwire and the inside of the slot of the bracket, unlike active self-ligating systems where the clip participates in the repositioning of the archwire at the bottom of the bracket slot.
Example of Damon® Q brackets system.
Initial stage of alignment.
Example of Damon® Clear™ brackets in the maxilla and Damon® Q brackets in the mandible.
Example of Damon® 3. This version of Damon® brackets is no longer available on the market. The clear part of the bracket was made of an acrylic polycarbonate which delaminated itself from the bonding pad.
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Other systems
Passive systems all have a twin bracket design.
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SmartClip™ system
The SmartClip™ system differs from other passive systems by the C-shaped clip that opens and closes like lobster claws. The archwire is thus never entirely entrapped by the clip like in a passive or active system. The archwire never being entrapped, it is often necessary to add an elastomeric ligature to hold the archwire in place.
Here is a clinical example of SmartClip™. Notice the width of the bracket (5.1 mm) and the presence of elastomeric ligatures to hold the archwire in place and prevent accidental disengagement. The C-shaped clip is really visible.
Like the majority of bracket systems, the challenge, when a patient undergoes an orthodontic treatment, is to maintain an optimal oral hygiene.
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