Dental news
144 result(s)
Diastema between 2 teeth
This is additional information to reassure people who have a space between their incisors. [...]
Side effects of mandibular advancement orthoses
Arteriovenous malformation in a 10-year-old girl 5 moi
Orthodontic treatment began in January 2001 and was completed in December 2003. Partial retreatment was required from February to November 2008. Final implant restorations were placed in December 2008. [...]
Canine mechanotherapy included
Cantilever Niti for canine traction. Removable unit with .020 SS cantilever spring. Torque” force system for canine derotation. [...]
Molar intrusion and minivis
Closing an open bite with miniscrews.Closing an open bite with miniscrews Tomas Pin (Dentaurum).Note improvement of facial profile as posterior upper and lower teeth are intruded.Note improvement of facial profile as posterior teeth are intrude in t [...]
Root Spring and Lingual Arch
On October 8, I published photos 1 and 2 of this case of a 36-year-old woman with a host of orthodontic problems that are not all that easy to manage. At the outset, I mention that periodontal treatment was carried out prior to orthodontic treatment [...]
Functional genioplasty for growing patients
My May 2015 Angle Orthodontist article on functional genioplasties prompted a question from a reader. Here’s the question and the answer. [...]
18th JOF Paris
Presentation of the genioplasty research project to our French “cousins”. I aroused great interest and answered many questions. Interestingly, I met Dr. Marc Vesse, a stomatologist who worked with Prof. Jean Delaire and who had already w [...]
Alumni University of Montreal
Annual conferenceCollaboration between orthodontists and maxillofacial surgeons [...]
Impacted maxillary 1st molar
Impaction of maxillary 1st molar under a 2nd primary molar occurs frequently. It is easy to de-impact the 1st molar with a removable appliance with a cantilever spring and maintain the 2nd primary molar. [...]