Expansion mandibulaire symphysaire par ostéodistraction
Thérapie combiné: EPRAC et dystraction mandibulaire symphysaire
Combined Therapy: SARPE and Mandibular Symphyseal Distraction Osteogenesis
Transverse skeletal deficiency is a common clinical problem associated with narrow basal and dentoalveolar bone. Bimaxillary transverse distraction osteogenesis for correction of OSA was first reported by Conley & Legan (2006). Mandibular symphyseal distraction osteogenesis (MSDO) evolve form tooth anchor device to bone anchor device for a better control of the distraction segment in the 3 planes of space. Its success depends on good collaboration between the orthodontist and the surgeon, and on strict patient selection. Throughout case reports, we will review the diagnosis, orthodontic and surgical treatment planning considerations to achieve clinical success.
Learning objective:
After this lecture you will be able to
1-Diagnose patient with transverse mandibular deficiency
2-Understand the distraction protocol
3-Manage the postdistraction orthodontic movement
Hello,I had double jaw surgery to correct my retruded jaws. Nevertheless I don’t see much of a difference, I still that my jaw is retruded and my lower lip is far behind my upper lip. Besides, my Steiner analysis, ANB=7, wits=4, and ricketts with a convexitt of 6.7 say that I have Skeletal class 2. I’ve asked my surgeon why the analysis says this, but he says that my skeletal class 2 has been correct and that now I’m skeletal class 1, even though exam and what how my lips and profile look say otherwise. I don’t feel like I can trust my surgeon. Is this normal that the analysis say one thing and reality other?
I could not tell if I do not see your ceph. Numbers can be misleading.